Innsbruck Stag

Off we went with Mr Welsby (aka Stag-boy) to Innsbruck, to commiserate celebrate his wedding in April. A fine bunch of well mannered respectful gentlemen accompanied the stag to Innsbruck for a sedate spot of snowboarding, and an occasional ale. I’m pleased to say nobody was arrested, assaulted, deported, unconscious, incoherent or incapacitated.

Things I learnt this weekend:

  1. Stag-boy seems to be rotting from the inside out. He is contributing to global warming, and should only be approached from an up-wind direction whilst wearing the right safety equipment
  2. Renting a jacket from a Casino is not a pleasant experience, and can take the edge off your potential high-roller sheen.
  3. “ein beer bitter” is truly the only German you need.
  4. Music, in Austria, has not moved on from the 80’s- power ballads are particularly hip. *(ok, Italian techno arrived, but that doesn’t really count.)
  5. £50 in a casino takes less time to go than it does to say “did I win?”
  6. Every city, regardless of where it is, has a curry house and an Irish bar.
  7. Stag-boy is curry and beer fueled. Without regular dosing he suffers from bouts of lucidity. If curry were a breakfast food, he’d do mornings.
  8. Anti-snoring breath-right nose strips don’t work.

Here’s some of the highlights-


Here’s the airport- you fly between the mountains then over the city to drop into the airport- lovin’ that view from the airport.

For more- see the rest of the story..


Here’s mark on his board-


Here’s Mark immediately after being on his board.


I’m very pleased with this photo- it’s a very rare photo of Andrew actually on his snowboard.


Here’s Mark playing in the snow. He wasn’t attacked, and there is no proof of him being pushed over, and covered in snow. None at al. No.

End of day one, after some light boarding, we grab a beer. Check the beer mustache on Mark.


Here’s Andy practicing his super-hero look. Up up and away Andy!


Here’s Mark with a lunch-time sausage. No Comment.


Is it just me, or does Mark have a passing resemblance to Wallace (Wallace & Grommit) when he’s had a beer?


The plane home…

There’s a set of photos here too- See them all below..

If you have photos you’d like to add, let me know, and I’ll tell you where to send them so that I can upload them.

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