Joe arrives, in words and pictures

5am-ish: Deird woke me to tell me her waters had broken, contractions were happening and that we should go to hospital. It might have been earlier, but I spept through the early drama. We bundled Poppy into the car, along with some hastily packed bags and headed for the Royal Infirmary.

Once at hospital Julie met up with us, and looked after Poppy for the day, whilst Deird went quickly into Triage then the Labour ward.   (Thanks Julie- you’re a star! )

Early on, it was painful for Deird, so quite quickly they put in an epidural, and made the whole thing much less traumatic.


Above- Christine (our super midwife) and Deird chat, after the epidural has gone in. (it was getting towards lunch-time, and I think they talked about how good a Greg’s sausage roll and sandwich for lunch would be.)

At 6pm-ish after a full days labouring, the doctors finally confirmed that jnr wasn’t going to be born natuarally, and that it was operation time. So off to theatre we went. Me in a set of badly fitting scrubs, Deird on a trolley. At 7:30pm-ish Joe (our current working title) was born. He weighed in at 8lbs 3oz, and 57cm long- Heavier and longer than his big sister. (I had to look it up on the blog- Poppy was 7lbs 10oz and 51cm)

Joe was born with a head full of red/sandy hair-\he’s either going to be very blond, or very ginger- we don’t know yet!


Not long after the birth- Joe & Deird back in the recovery ward.

Proud mum-


And Joe. soooo tiny. I forgot how wee they are when new-born.


Let’s not forget Poppy- She was with Neil, Julie, Finn & Jared having a great time whilst all of the hospital drama was carrying on.

 There’s more to the story that this of course, but it’s late, and I need sleep.  A proper update later. I’ve not mentioned our manic drive across Edinburgh, Poppy being sick in the car, or the words cervix, dialation, medication and dehydration- all of which I’ll fill in later. Goodnight.  

7 Replies to “Joe arrives, in words and pictures”

  1. Hi Nick!

    Hope you and family are well.

    Big congratulations to you and your misus! Really like his name too by the way! Well done to the both of you!

    Take care


  2. Congratulations to you all, what brilliant news. Hope you are all well and we’ll see you soon

    Dawn, Dave and Elisha xx

  3. Congratulations to you all. NIce to hear you are all doing well and the family is expanding 🙂

  4. Hi Durg Nick & all the Kids

    Great to see the wee man here and all is well, he looks great, u 2 Durg, Janice has got the needles out so a Blue Cardie on the way soon.

    XXX Ade (lunch soon please)

    PS When will u get a sleep now ??

  5. Congrats to you all! Great news all is well. My grandad was called Joe – it’s a beautiful name. Hope you can get some rest. Enjoy!
    Zenta x

  6. Congratulations glad to hear you are ok dee. He look a little gem. I can’t wait to
    see if you get the family red hair Hope to see you when you come to cov val

  7. big congrats!!! :o)

    hope everyone is doing well!!

    cant wait to meet baby Joe! also a bit jellous that you beat me to it! am now 11 days overdue and clibming the walls!


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