For 6 portions –
2 medium onions – fine chopped
4 bell peppers diced 1cm chunks- (any colours you fancy)
1 Aubergine – 1.5cm chunks
250g Courgettes – 1cm slices, quartered
500g tomatoes – plum works well (fresh or can (1 can = 440g, close enough))
2 cloves garlic
Oregano, cayenne pepper. salt, pepper to taste
Fry the onions till translucent – not too hot.
Add the diced deseeded peppers. Add crushed garlic, and fry for 1 more minute. Add the aubergine.
Add the diced tomatoes – you need to blanche and peel if using fresh. Add the courgettes and cook for 10-15 minutes till tender. If its too wet, turn up the heat and condense down a spot.
Add the herbs, to flavour. If its a little sharp – add a pinch of sugar to counter the tomatoes. It can be easy to under-salt this and make it too flat.