This is one of Mary’s old recipes – found in a bag of clippings and free cookbooks. This one looks well used – the sheet of A4 has seem some action. I’ve not made this cake – bu couldn’t throw the page away without writing it up first.
Prepare a 7″ round cake tin.
7oz butter
8oz Caster sugar
5 eggs
10 oz plain flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp grated nutmeg
3/4 tsp mixed spice
3/4 tsp cinnamon
16oz currents
8 oz Sultanas
6 oz Raisins
4 oz glacé cherries
4 oz mixed peel
4 oz chopped almonds
1 lemon rind grated
4 tbl sherry
Mix it all, and pop it into the lined tin.
Cook for 4 hrs – 1 hr at 150°c and turn down 10-15°c every hour. Top with paper to stop the cake drying out. Add a bowl or water to the bottom of the oven to keep it steamy and moist through cooking too.