Chicken Liver Pate

Ingredients: (can also make a 1/2 batch if you prefer)

500g chicken livers (Usually I can find frozen in the supermarket)
250g salted butter
2 large white onions, chopped
2-4 garlic cloves
2-3 bay leaves
40-80ml brandy
white pepper and salt to taste

Melt the butter and saute the onions for about 5 minutes, until soft and translucent, but not coloured.

Add the chicken livers (coarse chop – 1/4rd) and cook on a moderate heat until the livers are cooked. (about 5 minutes?). Season with salt and pepper, add brandy and flambe – stand back – big flame!

Remove from the heat and let it cool. Remove the bay leavess.

Once cooler, blend in a food processor/blender until its smooth and spoon into ramekins or a square pan to cool and set in the fridge.

Once cool, melt some butter and pour over the pate to air-seal the pate until needed.

This is really nice with oatcakes and maybe a little sweet chutney.

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