Clarified chicken stock

For a brown stock, use the skin and carcus of a roast chicken? Break it into 3 or 4 big pieces  so it takes less room in the pot. Add an onion, a couple of carrots and a couple of sticks of celery.talked halved). Cover with water, add a bay leaf and simmer for 90 mins.

This will give you a greasy, cloudy stock.Cool it in the fridge overnight.

Filter it using a sieve with cloth or kitchen paper in. This will remove the solidified fat, and any bigger bits from thestock.

Next, add 1-2 egg whites to the cold stock and whisk in. Put it in a pan and bring Botia simmer. A thick scummy crust will form on top as the egg whites cook. Don’t mix it in, orshimmer too hard. Let it cool a little, the re filtthorough acloth lined sieve.

Bingo, clear brown stock, with no fat.Salt to taste.

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