Sweetcorn relish

1 shallot chopped (plus a spot of oil to fry)
200g fresh corn kernals – (about 2 cobs)
1 red mild chilli, chopped, seeds out
75ml cider vinegar
30g sugar
½ tsp dry mustard powder

soft fry the shallot, then add all of the other ingredients and simmer till the corn is cooked, and the sauce coats the corn nucely. bottle in a kilner jar and store in the fridge

Tomato Relish

A quick and easy burger relish

1kg ripe red tomatoes
2 cloves garlic (crushed/minced)
10g grated ginger
2 long red mild chillis, chpped, seeds out.
130ml cider vinegar
175g white sugar
30g salt

skin, core and rough chop the tomatoes. add to a saucepan and boil/reduce over about 1 hr to the right consistancy.(remember it will be thickr when cold).

Bottle in a clean kilner jar, keep in fridge.