Tomato Relish

A quick and easy burger relish

1kg ripe red tomatoes
2 cloves garlic (crushed/minced)
10g grated ginger
2 long red mild chillis, chpped, seeds out.
130ml cider vinegar
175g white sugar
30g salt

skin, core and rough chop the tomatoes. add to a saucepan and boil/reduce over about 1 hr to the right consistancy.(remember it will be thickr when cold).

Bottle in a clean kilner jar, keep in fridge.

Pasta Salsa

The is a really quick pasta sauce that I discovered. A friend of mine makes a sauce for chicken like this- roasting the ingredients with the chicken in a hot oven. Anywho… frying it all up for a pan is quicker, and well, works a treat. It takes longer to cook the pasta than it does to prep and cook the sauce. the ingredients are a bit salsa-y, thus the name.

It works best if the cherry tomatoes are sweet and ripe. If they’re a bit sharp or hard, add a little extra sugar to compensate. You can make this with bigger tomatoes, but, well, it just ain’t the same. It also works quite well with a few olives thrown in for good measure.

Pasta- fuselli or similar
2 mugs cherry tomatoes
1/2 a chilli
1/2 clove garlic
1/2 tsp sugar
Pinch salt
Balsamic vinegar

Fry the chilli & garlic
Add 1/4-ed tomatoes + sugar
Put on lid & fry for 2 mins
Add vinegar
Fry & reduce (really hot heat, 2 mins tops)
Salt & black pepper to taste

Orange & Tomato Soup

A recipe borrowed from my auntie. Really quick and easy, and a a little different. Orange and tomato together, who’d have thought..

500ml tomato passata
1 large orange
200ml water
a little sugar to sweeten, if the tomato is sharp
Cornflour to thicken
Salt, pepper to taste
1/4pt single cream to finish
heat passata & water
Grate rind of orange & add
Add cornflour & thicken
Peel orange, remove pith. Cut segments into 1/4s and add
Remove from heat and add cream
Serve adding final dash of cream

Roast tomato passata

Swiped from the River cottage web site again.

3 – 4 kg ripe Tomatoes (as many different varieties and sizes as possible)
Sea salt and black pepper
1 tsp fresh oregano
1 tsp fresh thyme
Small handful of torn basil
4-5 cloves of garlic
Good trickle of olive oil and rapeseed oil

1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4.
2. Depending on the size of the tomatoes, cut them either into halves or quarters. With very small or cherry tomatoes, pop them in whole but slash the skins first to release the juices. Place all of the tomatoes into a large roasting tin.
3. Crush and roughly chop the garlic and sprinkle it over the tomatoes with the salt and pepper.
4. Roughly tear the oregano, thyme and basil and scatter over tomatoes.
5. Drizzle over a little rapeseed and olive oil then roast in the oven for 45 minutes until slightly blistered and soft.
6. Cool after cooking, push through a sieve and place into containers for freezing.